
Thrown when Inter-Process Communication (IPC) setup has been failed.

The IPC uses sockets to setup connection between local processes running in the environment. It is possible that the environment has a firewall software that does not allow using the available ports. In such cases this exception will be thrown.


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Constructs a new IpcSetupFailureException instance.
public void IpcSetupFailureException(String message, Throwable cause)
Constructs an instance of IpcSetupFailureException with the given message and cause.


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public final synchronized void addSuppressed(Throwable exception)
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public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace()
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public synchronized Throwable getCause()
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public String getMessage()
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public final synchronized Array<Throwable> getSuppressed()
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public synchronized Throwable initCause(Throwable cause)
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public void printStackTrace()
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public void setStackTrace(Array<StackTraceElement> stackTrace)
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public String toString()